The perfect English program for


*Adult Education Programs

*Private Language Schools and Teachers!

About Our Curriculum
Let's Start Talking!

The Language School’s Let’s Start Talking!™ and Let’s Keep Talking!™ conversational English program offers teachers and students everything they need to learn how to speak English with confidence in the fastest, most efficient way possible.

The conversational English Curriculum offers a total of 17 English Courses that have been split into 4 major levels:

English Course Catalog

Since 2012 we have been teaching students in a very non-traditional way. Instead of focusing on grammar like most traditional high school and college programs, our courses are designed to teach authentic conversation. By focusing on Conversational Language Exchanges, students quickly understand the dynamics of asking and answering questions, which enables them to develop confidence while speaking much faster than previously thought possible.

Let’s Start Talking! Foundations Level

The Let’s Start Talking!™ Foundations level is a 4 course series of English classes that designed with TRANSLANGUAGING PEDAGOGY, and the only English Curriculum on the market geared towards teaching English to the largest demographic of English Language Learners in the United States, Spanish speakers!

Fundamentos De Inglés 1

Additional Resources:

Free digital course:

Electronic Flashcards on Quizlet

Portada del libro Let’s Start Talking! Fundamentos de Inglés 1 con atractivas imágenes para el aprendizaje del idioma.

The 1st level in our English curriculum is for Spanish speakers that want to learn how to speak English. The goal with this first level is to teach students how to introduce themselves to Americans and make small talk so that they have someone to practice with, along with basic survival skills like ordering food and restaurants and buying daily necessities from stores. Students will learn how to use regular verbs in the simple present tense to ask questions and answer them both positively and negatively

Fundamentos De Inglés 2

The 2nd level is also for Spanish speakers looking to add detail to conversations. The focus of this level is on the irregular verb BE in the simple present tense, along with a lot of review work of regular verbs. Instructions are now provided in English, but explanations of new vocabulary and language concepts are provided in Spanish. Comprehension and production are the primary goals of this level.

Fundamentos De Inglés 3

The 3rd level is the final level for Spanish speakers looking to add detail to conversations. This level adds the progressive tense to the mix, and explains some key linguistic differences between English and Spanish. To focus shifts here from comprehension and production to accuracy and fluency in the present tenses. New vocabulary and language differences In this course, Spanish is still used to teach new vocabulary and explain some of the harder to understand differences between the two languages, but is primarily to be taught in English.

English Foundations 4

This is the last course of the English Foundations level, and the first level open to English Language Learners of all backgrounds. This course is a deep review of the simple present tense designed to improve accuracy and fluency when speaking, and includes loads of interesting information about the American culture so students feel comfortable making friends and practicing English with Americans.

In a recent study at MSU Denver, 96% of students using the Let’s Start Talking! Fundamentos de Inglés 1 course showed a level gain, in comparison to 62% of students using Burlington English and the Colorado state minimum requirement of 41%. 

To get started, teachers will guide students through a conversational English evaluation to determine which level they will start with.

Each lesson includes:

For teachers

⦁ Lesson plans in the form of PowerPoint Presentations that are designed to simply show up and teach, no more class preparation

For students

⦁ Activities in the accompanying student workbook to practice and reinforce what students are learning in class.

For Everyone

⦁ Visually stunning presentations to help students navigate meaning.
⦁ Vocabulary and pronunciation activities to build understanding and production capabilities.
⦁ Authentic and real life Conversational Language Exchanges so students can practice with the guided help of a teacher and build confidence when communicating with people.
⦁ Micro grammar lessons – While the focus is on conversation instead of grammar, our lessons still guide students through proper grammar, we just break it down into the smallest components and gradually advance in complexity (scaffolding)

By starting with the end goal, which is to get students comfortable speaking English at work, in their communities, or during their travels, we have created a really enjoyable mixture of instruction that you can understand, easy activities to practice and study on your own, and fun ways to meet native speakers with whom you can practice!



To help your students get off the ground in the terms of daily situations such as basic introductions, going to the grocery store, buying clothing, or eating at a restaurant.


To help your students achieve fluency and interact in everyday situations, as well as culturally integrate and learn how to make new Friends.


To ensure that your students can successfully integrate into your new culture and country, as well as conduct job interviews and participate in more formal situations.


To perfect your students new language and give you the ability to confidently speak and carry on extended conversations in any scenario.


To help your students start speaking in daily situations such as basic introductions, going to the grocery store, buying clothing, or eating at a restaurant.

High Beginner

To help your students achieve accuracy and fluency while interacting in everyday situations, as well as how to culturally assimilate and learn how to make new friends.


To ensure that your students can communicate with confidence at job interviews and other more formal situations.


To perfect speaking English in a variety of situations carry on extended conversations in any scenario.


We were using the traditional methods to teach a new language based on grammar, but our students would get bored and wouldn't get the results they expected. So we started researching how humans learn to speak using studies in efficient learning techniques. Since 2012 we have:
  • Created lesson plans with lots of comprehensible input so students understand what they are learning
  • Perfected encouraged speech activities to reduce anxiety in the classroom
  • Added many visual aids and applied extralinguistic context to help students negotiate meaning
  • Created realistic and authentic reading activities to accelerate the acquisition of the most relevant vocabulary
  • Developed an unmatched expertise in second language acquisition teaching over 10,000 students who have learned how to speak a new language using this program to date
  • Shared this methodology with dozens of teachers across the country who have contributed to its improvement and have used it with great rates of success

Ready to start teaching?

Resources for students of all levels:

Regardless of your level, we have published a couple of books and guides that you will find useful:


Following these easy steps not only ensure students learn how to speak English with confidence, but they do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Buy the Spanish version on Amazon:

Buy the English version on Amazon:

5 Pasos Fáciles Para Hablar Inglés Con Confianza

Some students seem to learn new languages effortlessly, while others struggle. This book was written by our founder David “El Profe” to answer why it seems so easy for certain students to develop conversational confidence. 

There are 5 best practices that David has identified that students need to do in order to learn how to speak English, which include knowing their why, practicing every chance they get, and finding a conversation partner to work with.

Let's Start Talking!
A bilingual book for English and English students!

In order to learn how to speak a new language, you have to start speaking it! But what should you talk about?

This is a must have resource for English and Spanish students alike! It includes conversation starters in English on one page and their Spanish equivalents on the mirroring page, with more than 500 questions that can keep people talking for hours. This resources is ideal for going to language meetups, library conversation events, or for working 1-1 with a dedicated conversation partner. 

Study Tips for Learning how to speak English


To help your students get off the ground in the terms of daily situations such as basic introductions, going to the grocery store, buying clothing, or eating at a restaurant.


To help your students achieve fluency and interact in everyday situations, as well as culturally integrate and learn how to make new Friends.


To ensure that your students can successfully integrate into your new culture and country, as well as conduct job interviews and participate in more formal situations.


To perfect your students new language and give you the ability to confidently speak and carry on extended conversations in any scenario.

This is a free download for students to learn more best practices and ideas for studying and practicing English, available in both English and Spanish here:
Karl Kaeten
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Learning anything is a bit of a risk, to put oneself in a position of feeling like you don't know anything. Learning Spanish is difficult but David has the patience and the experience to lay it out--he says don't be hard on yourself for not learning at the pace you would maybe like, but he also shows how the process works and can demonstrate progress to you in a single class. What that class taught me was how to organize my efforts to learn Spanish. It's not easy but I see now how to apply myself and am excited to continue my work, knowing that nothing worth having is easy, but with some effort, it is possible.
Stacey Chang
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My fiance from Korea went to David’s classes to learn English while he’s visiting me for 3 months. the classes are very small, with average 3 students per class. He really enjoyed his classes and learned alot. He also meet some great people at the school to share each others culture, which was another great opportunity. David is an amazing teacher and highly recommend! We would like to come back to take his classes again when he eventually move to the US in the near future!
Stéphane descamps
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It's been almost 2 months now that I've been following an English course, being French my oral comprehension of English was quite mediocre but since then I feel more at ease. Moreover the teacher David was always listening to my expectations and directed the course in this direction.